Our commitments


We believe in respect for human beings, and we care for the safety and health of all our employees, ensuring that they can operate day by day in a safe environment. That is why we apply ourselves every day to comply with safety regulations for the benefit of everyone’s health. For AIEM Italy, the well-being of its people is at the core of the organization and is the strength of the company.


Population growth and urbanization, climate change, digital and techno-logical transformation, changing user behavior: these challenges represent an opportunity for AIEM, which pursues and promotes innovation at all levels so that we can address and meet new customer needs, industry and market challenges. For us, innovation represents one of the driving tools for the realization of our mission and the pursuit of our vision.


The human dimension and respect for people are key concepts and uncompromisable values for us. We believe that the human factor is fundamental and that is why we have chosen to make it a driver of success and differentiation. At AIEM, we know that achieving goals comes from people’s dedication and sense of belonging to the company, which guarantees efficient synergies for a better future. Our teams are the engine and life force for the realization of great ideas; their competence, commitment and team spirit guarantee the high level of service we offer our customers.


We believe in and aim to build a sustainable living environment, implementing environmentally responsible projects and offering solutions capable of safeguarding the planet, in order to actively contribute to the development of a more livable future, respecting nature and all human beings. Our work is based on a strong sense of awareness and responsibility towards the community and the environment, concepts that are indispensable throughout the AIEM. AIEM, wants to contribute to the decarbonization and reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions by focusing on creating low-carbon solutions, both internally, by enhancing innovation, and externally, by helping our customers reduce their carbon footprint.